30 MILES - Малые порты через каждые 30 миль – создание условий для привлекательного водного туризма в Восточной части Финского залива
Проект призван поднять уровень сервиса и безопасности в малых портах и на акватории залива. ООО НИИАП "Ермак Северо-Запад"является официальным партнером проекта в Российской Федерации. Наша цель – подготовить и запустить аналогичные двусторонние проекты Россия-Финляндия и Россия-Эстония.
The problem is that there is no network of small ports with a good service level and enough piers for leisure boaters to visit. As better small ports increase the attractiveness of the region the project idea is to organise small ports into a cooperating network in the distance of every 30 miles.
In practice the project establishes a ring of ports around the Eastern Gulf of Finland to focus on joint development of sustainable port services and marketing activities. Joint efforts are made to improve the services offered in small ports and help them receive better visibility from the potential visitors. Effective marketing is implemented to inform the visitors and to create sustainability for the local businesses.
As a result of the project service level increases in 12 small ports in the Eastern Gulf of Finland. The new ring of ports create an attractive entity which is in the interest of boaters. The information about the services of the ports and accessibility is clearly presented. The improvements attract new businesses and investors, which in turn attract more visitors to the area.